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Blog #3 There is No Gene For the Human Spirit
The phrase, "There is no gene for the human spirit" is used in the film as an overarching theme. What is meant by this and how is it played out in the movie? Use at least three examples to explain yourself.
I think that it means that it doesn't matter if you are genetically better than someone. A person is a person.
Sam Freeman
Period 2
It means that no one can tell who you are by genes, but by spirit.
Matt Waxman
period 2
"There is no gene for the human spirit" means that you can't control the way a person will think. Because you mind isn't inherited, though it can be influence while you are living. An example of this is that Vincent is very smart and could do his job at Gattica well, even though he is invalid. Also, Irene has a heart problem and is partially invalid but her mind is fine and she can do anything a valid can. Another example is when Irene said
"I can't do that" and Vincent says "you just did" that shows that Irenes mind has been influenced to think she can't do things that she really can do if she puts her mind to it.
Monica H.
Period 2
There is no gene for the human spirit means that no gene will decide how hard you want to try in life. In the movie it shows how vincent is genetically dumb and shouldnt be able to pass it but because he has the determination he does do the impossible. He beats his brother in the swiming thing. He gets the job. He flys into space.
-Kyle F Period 2
The phrase "there is no gene for the human spirit" means that there is some part of our body that we simply can't explain. The ability to continue through overwhelming odds as well as the inexplicable factor determining success. The race between Vincent and his brother displays this in that even though his brother was designed to be superior to Vincent, he still failed to beat Vincent because of his determination and will to succeed. You also see this played out when you hear how Eugene got second place in the olympics despite his incredible genetics and physical abilities. Even when Uma Therman ran from the cops at speeds and distances that endangered her heart, she still ran because she needed to. Her determination allowed her to escape both the cops and what was thought to be her physical limitations.
Hilary T. period 2
I think this means that you can't genetically modify someone's personality or spirit, but you get it through experience and growth. If I made a clone of myself, that doesn't mean that it will be exactly like me because I had different learning experiences. Everyone is a person, and you can't be genetically superior in spirit because it doesn't have anything to do with genes.
Ryan Kahng
Period 2
I think that is meant by this that people can genetically design for you to be healthy and not have disablities. however you cant design someone to pursue there dreams and to go all out in life. Its played out in the movie when Vincent studies hard and still tries to get into gattaca. Also even though vincent isnt genetically superior he doesnt give up on trying to go into outer space and so he "borrows" someones body. Another example is when Vincect beat his brother in the swimming lesson, he went all out and ended up beating his brother.
Holly Boothroyd
Period 2
"There is no gene for the human spirit", means that there is no way to breed perseverance or will, and this is played out by Vincent's determination to beat the genetic discrimination, and achieve his dream of going into space. This is also shown by Vincent's relationship, and his will to beat his brother.
The phrase, "There is no gene for the human spirit" means that although you can genetically alter your childs looks and chances for survival (heart problems, adhd, etc) there is no gene that can decide what kind of a person you are.
Example #1:
In the reoccuring scene of Vincent and Antoin playing fish, although Antoin is the genetically superior being he doesnt have the spirit to go farther then vincent.
Example #2:
Another example is how vincent had the spirit to do whatever it took to get a job at GATTACA. Although he is genetically un-superior he still had the spirit to work towards his dream of going to space.
Example #3:
The last example is how Vincents brother was mean and didnt have a good spirit even though he was genetically engineered. This shows that although you may be physically/gentically perfect it's possible to not have a good spirit.
"There is no gene for human spirit." Basically means that even if you can man a super baby, it will feel too much pressure to not fail. Everyone makes mistakes, even super babies (like Sterling PAU!). To explain myself 1) Jude Law kills himself 2)Vincen t's brother still could understand why he lways lost 3) Uma Therman was fate by her informatiuon on her genes.
This means that although you can change someone physically by altering their genes,you can't change their personality. You can't change how hard someone will work for something, or their passion for something, or how much they are willing to give to accomplish their goals. In the movie jerome(Vincent) works incredibly hard to get a job at Gattaca, at one point they said that he knew an entire book by heart on the subject. You can't design someone to have that sort of commitment to their goals. For example Eugene although perfectly designed for Gattaca, was said to lack the drive to want to work their. So even if someone is almost perfectly suited for a job you can't prove that that person would have the motivation to accomplish their goals. Another example was when Vincent defeated his brother at swimming, which proves that people who are genetically 'superior' aren't always stronger, or more determined, than naturaly-born people.
Zoe Thuesmunn
per 2
THe theme there is no gene for the human spirit basically means, however hard you try to limit people's abilities there will always be those who break those boundaries and do the impossible. Their are several examples of this throughout the film. One of thes is when Vincent and Anton are competing against each other in the "chicken game they play and Vincent wins. Another example of this is when Vincent tricks everyone at Gattaca into thinking he is Jerome, and most of all his striving achievement is finally being able to go to space.
Nick B.
second Period
"There is no gene for the human spirit." seems to mean that being "perfect" or "imperfect" doesn't change who you are as a human and that scientists can't create a human spirit. Parts in the movie that show this are.
1. When the brother's are swimming at the end and even though Jerome is imperfect he saves his perfect brother.
2. When Uma and Jerome are running away he proves to her that you are not limited by what doctors tell you you can't do.
3. Also in the over all movie Jerome outsmarts his perfect counter parts
Paige M
3rd period
I think that it means that it doesn't matter if you are genetically better than someone, everyone is the same
The phrase "there is no gene for the human spirit" means that our genes might describe our physical body but can't control the capacites of dreams or wishes. One example of this is when Irene says that she can't do something because of her heart condition but she ends up doing it anyways. Another example might be that, regardless of how negative Vincent's parents and brother were to him about his chances of getting into Gattaca, he continued to dream and work hard to get in. A third example is when you compare Eugene's and Vincent's response to their seperate positions. Although Eugene's genes have set him out as an elite, Vincent prevails and ends up getting farther then Eugene.
Pd. 5
I think the saying there is no gene for human spirit means that genes may characterize what you body should be able to do but your spirit is what pushes you to do your best with what you have. Examples: Vincent raced farther in ocean, Still can make it to space, and his heart is 30,000 beats over due. Jared C. Period 5
a persons spirit is more powerful then any science gene object, if a person trys and comets to it then he will succed
I think that this means that no matter what your genes are, they don't define you as a person. You can be whoever you want to be, no matter what you are made up of. This is demonstrated through the movie because even though Vincent/Jerome isn't genetically superior, he still has the will to be great and ends up getting his dream job because he worked hard for it. Also, Irene has a high probability for heart failure, she still succeeds. Another way it and is demonstrated throught the movie is that when Vincent and his brother are swimming, Vincent beats his brother, who is genetically superior.
Emily Anne Owen
Period 5
The phrase "There is no gene for human spirit" Means that your body can be tampered with but nyour soul cant be and everyone is diffrent on the inside. Also this means that no matter what you do you will always be yourself and you cannot change.
adam coutant
This means that people can develop however they want. You can't control the human spirit with science. One example was when Vincent beat his brother in a swimming race. He had the will power to keep on working out and devoloping his muscles. Another example was when he made Irene run faster than her heart could take. The last example was when he got into space even though he was a natural born baby.
"There is no gene for the human spirit" means that although you can prevent things from happening to someone, such as a disease, but genetically designing your child will not change who they are. For example, Irene was a genetically designed baby, had an acceptable chance for heart failure, but she was able to work at Gattica. Also, when Irene and Jerome/Vincent were running, Irene said "i couldn't do this" and Jerome said, "you just did." Jerome/Vincent proved that although he was a nature made baby, he could hold the job at Gattica, and the other workers couldn't tell based on how he looks or works.
"There is no gene for the human spirit" means that you can't genetically engineer a strong spirit into a person. It is played out by the fact that Vincent wasn't genetically modified, but might have a spirit greater than anyone else's in the movie. He also has a lot of determination and confidence to go with it.
I think that it means that there is no gene for ambition or determination. that is how vincint beat his brother
This means that just because you are supposed to be the best it won't always happen, you have to work for it. Like Anton was supposed to be the best. But, since Jerome worked for it he bested his own "superior" brother.
Derek Winslow
i think that there is no gene for human spirit means that there is no personality gene. the kind of person you become is up to you not your genetics.
keyana aghamirzadeh
period 5
this means that your cannot create a personality you are just born like that. it also means that you can still do great things even though you are not superiorly built. and finally it also means that you have complete control of how you are as a person
It is mean in the movie because they are showing one mans life dream to go up in space but he can't since he was not genetically engineered even though he is very smart. One example of this in the movie is when Vincent/Jerome is taking to Irene and he says that they have one thing in common. And he is talking about his heart disease. So he is saying that even though they both of heart problems they still live their life they are just always put down. Another example is when Vincent/Jerome and Irene are running away from the man after they are dancing she is running and then collapses and she says, "Don't you know I can't do that?" and then Vincent/Jerome says, "You just did." One last example is when the two brothers are swimming out at the end. So in the end i think this movie is saying even though some of the people were not genetically engineered they are still human beings.
"there is no gene for the human spirit" means that noone can inherit the way someone thinks.
For exampple Vincent is an invalid, but he is sneaking his way though gattaca, and no one notices, he has the brain smarts to get through it.Another example is Irene has a heart problem but she is partially valid, and can do what pure valids can even though she is not. Also when Irene and Vincent were running away from the place, Irene said "I cant do that." (because she has a heart problem) and Vincent said "You just did." So that says you can do anything if you really think about it.
Harriet S.
Period 1
"There is no gene for the human spirit" means that your genes dont define who you are a person. They influence your life but they dont change your will or drive to accomplish your dreams.
Example 1
Even though Anton was genetically superior to Vincent, each time they had the swimming race, Vincent would win. He had the stronger will and desire to win even though he wasnt genetically engineered to be able to swim for that long.
Example 2
When Irene and Jerome were running from the cops, she said "You know I cant do this" and Jerome said "You just did." This shows that Irene, for her whole life, has been limiting herself to what she thought she could do when really, when it was needed (like running away from danger), she can do anything.
Example 3
Even though Vincent didnt have the correct genes to work at Gattica, he was still determined to accomplish his goals of going into space. His "god child" genes didnt determine how badly he wanted something or how hard he would work to get it. That was in his heart and spirit. His human spirit, his perseverance and dedicaton, was telling him to follow his dreams and live his life how we wanted rather than let society control him just because of his DNA.
Sarika G
Per 3
I think that "there is no gene for the human spirit" means that you cant control what a human can and cant do. The human spirit is the force that makes us want to be better and succed. There isnt a gene for your attitude on life, just how you react to what happens to you. Vincent overcame huge obsticles even though he was an invalid. Working at Gattica is something that his human spirit enabled him to do.
Jeff Shipley
Period 1
I think that it means there is no gene that makes us "normal". We are who we are fo a reason.
I think it means that a persons determination and overall spirit isnt something that can be genetically superior. An example of this in the movie is when Vincent beats Anton in the swimming competition because of his determination even though Anton is genetically superior. Another example is thet Vincent finds a way into Gattacca despite his poor genetics. A third example is that Vincent was able to stay in Gattacca as one of the best.
~Rachel C.
period 1
I think that "There is no gene for the human spirit" means that you are more than just the sum of your parts, that you aren't just who or what your genes say you are. The movie plays this out by showing "perfect" Eugene being imperfect enough to get second place and to consider/commit suicide, and imperfect Vincent becoming perfect enough to get into space, as well as beat his genetically superior brother in the swimming races. I guess you could say that what it means to be human isn't written in your genes; you learn it.
~Cheryl Wang, Per.06
"There is no gene for the human spirit." I believe this means that no one control on how other people act or think. This is played out in the movie by the way Vincent act because he never gives up on what he wants to do in life. People said that he was never going to succeed in life because they said that he had a very high chance on dying. Irene was also a person in the movie that tried and did her best and came through to having a wonderful life and a great job. When Vincent and his brother went swimming his brother always beat him until one day when Vincent beat his brother even though he thought he was never going to, because he wasn't the superior one.
Jade K. Per.6
"There is on gene for the human spirit" means that even if your genetically "perfect" you are still yourself and nobody can take that away from you and that you can be whoever you want to be. This is demonstrated in the movie several times, such as when Vincent saves Anton twice when they were swimming. Another time is when Irene and Vincent were running and she was talking about how she couldn't do it because of her heart and Vincent says "you just did". Finally this is shown when Vincent outsmarts the genetically superior people.
-Lucia Gruber
Period 5
The phrase means that you are who you are on the inside and what kind of a person you are cannot be genetically motified.
Example 1: When vincent and his brother are swimming and his brother gives up even though he is the genetically superior one shows how Vincent has a better spirit and keeps going even though hes tired.
Example 2: When Vincent goes through all the effort and pain to get into gattaca shows that he doesn't give up on his dream and does the "impossible" by getting through.
Example 3: Irene isn't genetically superior but she still got into gattaca just being herself.
Christy K
Period 5
I think the phrase means that even though genes can make up how we look, they can't affect our spirit. Our spirits decide what we want to achieve and nothing can take that away. One example is that even though Vincent has a heart problem, he still dreams of doing what he loves, space. Another example is when Jerome beat Eugene even though Jerome was the one everyone thought would fail. Lastly, Jerome ended up going further than Eugene.
Jackie L.
Period 6
I think "There is no gene for the human spirit" means you cant be given a gene for perseverance and determination (or the ability to defy gravity). In the movie this is played out by the swimming races, Vincent keeps loosing to Anton but Vincent tries his hardest and beats Anton. In another instance this is shown by Vincent making the decision to appear like Eugene, who is genetically superior, to get into Gattaca. Lastly this is shown with Irene and Vincent running from the investigators, Irene has put a limit to herself because when she was born doctors told her that she had heart problems, Vincent says "you just did" meaning Irene just did something she never thought she could do.
-Brendan Rosell
P. 3
That Vincent can still do things even though he is not genetically modified.
It means that genetically you can't change how someone thinks. In the movie it showed this with Vincen. For instance even though he knew that his heart was at a high risk he still worked hard. Another example is when he would challenge his brother to a swim off even when his brother won every time. My final example is when he was told that he was inferiour he still tryed harder than anyone and made it to his dreams.
The phrase," There is no gene for the human spirit" meant that you can`t have a gene that determines your personality. For example, you can inherit genes from your Mother who we can say is a very positive person but you can`t expect to inherit a gene that makes you positive also. This phrase plays out in the movie showing that genetic engineering can give you the best possibilities for a better life but even if you have the best genetic makeup your probability to success still depends primarily on your spirit or determination. For example, if you were born with strong capabilities for running and you have a race coming you might feel nervous that you feel like you might lose and then you might not do as well as you could`ve been. If you have the will you can do many things because that is breaking the limits of your self giving yourself the ability to do anything. Also the genes are inreversible and genes can`t change into other genes but the human spirit can change so the phrase," There is no gene for the human spirit" can also mean the there is a limitless possibilties to what you can do since there is nothing to limit you, as long as your human spirit can change. For example, if you had a gene for blonde hair you can`t really change your hair to brown unless you dye it brown but you can change your personality from lazy to hardworking.
Period 6 Ellen L.
Cameron carbone says,
i think there is no gene for human spirit means that no matter what happens to you you perservere and you try as hard as you can to make it through hardships, and that you cant give someont the ability to keep going you must get that as you go on in life.
What they mean by having no gene for human spirit is that no matter how genetically augmented a person is, they can always persevere and become better than what their papers say they can. One example is how Vincent beat out his brother twice in a swimming competition. Another is how even though Irene thought she couldn't run at all due to her supposed heart condition, Vincent made her anyways and she succeeded. Last, the most extreme example is how Vincent overcame the rest of society and fulfilled his dream of going into space, despite being part of the lowest class of society.
"There is no gene for the human spirit" means that your spirit and will are formed and trained and built by your choices and what you do in life.
1. Jerome (Vincent) played chicken with his brother. Even though his brother was genetically superior, by forcing his body to do the unimaginable, Jerome finally won the game and beat his brother.
2. When Uma said that she couldn't run that much because of her heart issues, Jerome reminded her that she just did, meaning what the doctors say are just mental limitations, not physical restrictions.
3. Lastly, when Eugene dragged himself up the stairs, he wasn't crippled from birth, because that gene was removed (or didn't exist in the first place). He had an accident later in life, yet he found the mental strength to do what he had to. His spirit was strong enough to do what his body couldn't, and there's no gene that can strengthen a person's will.
Kevin Pu
Per 3
i think it means that you can do anything engered or not.
Paz, H
The phrase, "There is no gene for the human spirit" means that no matter how you are genetically engineered you can't control what kind of person you will be. Vincents brother was genetically superior yet he didn't have the will or spirit to swim out any further and Vincent did. Vincent also worked harder than most people to accomplish his goal. Unlike Eugene who had the genetics to get into gattaca but lacked the will power and motivation.
~Jannah McGrath
The theme is meant to show that no matter how you act, where you work or whatever you do doesn't affet your spirit. This is proven by the scene when vincent and his brother are swimming at the end, and his bro is the scared one. And when he still goes through with all the tests eventhough he is not valid. Or even when he goes up into space.
The theme is meant to show that no matter how you act, where you work or whatever you do doesn't affet your spirit. This is proven by the scene when vincent and his brother are swimming at the end, and his bro is the scared one. And when he still goes through with all the tests eventhough he is not valid. Or even when he goes up into space.
I think that it means that there is no gene for spirit. Examples are people such as Irene who are partialy in-valid because of a heart problem but can do anything any other valid can do. Also vincent flew into space and his geneticly superior brother didn't. Finaly, when the brothers tryed to outswim each other; vincent won because he had more spirit than his brother.
David C. Period 5
It means that just cause your "special", it doesn't mean you have to act like it. Like how Vincent knows he isn't "good enough" to make anything of himself, but he still gets a job and is chosen to go to space. And how Jerome has all the physical characteristics needed, but doesn't want to do anything with them. Lastly, how whatever the girls name is doesn't try to run in the alley because she grew up thinking she couldn't.
~Megan Stapley
Per 1
What I believe the phrase "There is no gene for the human spirit" means is that your personality, beliefs, opinions, behavior, how you treat others, etc. cannot be passed on in genetics.
In "Gattaca", Irene Cassini falls in love with Vincent, but does not take a liking to Eugene, although Vincent is masked by Eugene's genetics. This shows that Irene does not take interest in appearance, but (this is dorky) "what's on the inside", and appearance cannot show anyone the personality of a human being.
Adelin L.
Period 2
"There is no gene for the human spirit" means that no matter how perfectly you are physically made, it doens't make you a perfect personality. This is shown (example 1) when the head of Gattaca murders the mission director, if he had a perfect personality, he would have resolved the problem of possibly not launching into space with words vs. violense.
(eample 2) Another example is when Uma is forced to keep running even though she thinks she can't. Her mind limits her, and if she hadn't had someon pushing her to do so she probably couldn't yave run.
(example 3) "Jerome" or should i say Vincent saves his brother when they go swimming twice! proving that it is a menle thing because Vincent is physically weaker, but had the confidense to save his brotyher (twice).
Sara Baumert
Period 2
I think that this phrase means that your genes don't decide what your spirit is like. Vincent has "bad genes" but he still does well in his job at Gattaca. He also beats his brother at the swimming contest. Whe Irene says she cant do something because of her heart,Vincent says that she did and that means that she can do whatever she wants no mtter what her genes are
"There is no gene for the human spirit" means that even though at the time that the movie is based babies can be genetically modified to be perfect, there was no way to engineer the human spirit to be think the way that they 'should.' One example of this is that Vincent has his heart set on going into space, even though his genes won't allow him to. So he set out to change his genes in order to follow his heart. Another example is that Irene and Vincent should not be together, since Vincent has such "inferior" DNA. But they love each other so they didn't care about conforming to society. A last example is that Vincent beat his brother, Anton, when they were swimming.
Allison H.
Period 6
I think that the syaing means that you can be as perfect in your looks and genetically, but it's how hard you try to suceedd that will actually get you places in your life. For example, when Vincent went up into space, doing what his janitor boss never even thought he would. Or when Eugene sat in the little chamber place. There is not gene to control all of his thoughts and what he could do with them. Finally, when Irene lets Vincent's hair blow away, she chose to be nicer and not have him tested.
-Karah Weber
I think that it means that no gene can tell who you really are. And that a person is a person no matter how small.
- P dog Mill or Peter Miller
I think this means that genes are just genes they dont say who yuo really are and what you can do. An example is when Irene says ''I cant do it'' and Vincent says '' you just did'' or how Irene has a heart problem but just because she has that doesnt mean that she cant do anything else. And Vincent has a problem to but he can do his job at Gattaca fine.
What it means is that there is no way to determine only through genetics what will happen to a person. A person can do almost anything if they put their mind to it, no matter what defects they may have. Vincent was said to have a 99% chance of heart failure, and would die before the age of 30, yet he lived longer. It said that he was too unintelligent to even dream of going to GATTICA, yet he managed to be one of the top workers there. The fact of the matter is, that you could have an uncaring, super powerful person, and a dedicated, weak person, and the weak person would get farther. The reason for this being simply that they were passionate about what they were doing. In the movie, this is played out as Vincent goes to GATTICA and Anton goes to become an officer of the law. Despite that Vincent is genetically weaker, he manages to go to GATTICA solely on human spirit.
Erich W. Period 3
"There is no gene for the human spirit" means that your genes don't define who you are as a person. For example, when Vincent and his brother were swimming, he won because he never gave up and didn't hold anything back. He still won even though he wasn't genetically superior like his brother. Another example is when Irene ran with him and she could do it even though she had heart problems. Lastly he could make it to space even though other people would have thought that he wouldn't be capable of making it because of his heart.
I think it means you can alter the body to be perfect but it will always be the spirit that counts. For example at the beginning and end Vincent beats his genetically Superior brother at chicken and then saves his life. He was able to do this because he has a strong spirit not Superior genes like his brother. Another example is how Vincent fell in love. Even though he know she had heart probables he knew she had a good spirit and decided to date her anyway. One last example is Gabrial, even though he was genetically Superior and lost everything he believed in he willed himself to help Vincent pretend to be superior. if that's not spirit i don't know what is.
'There is no gene for human spirit' means that you can't be genetically born to have drive and commitment. Example One: When Jerome/ Vincent and his brother were doing their last swim. His brother asked him how he did it and he said that he always put his 100% into things. Example Two: When Jerome's brother finds out it's Jerome he has some anger issues because he was supposed to be genetically superior, but since Jerome wanted so badly to go to Gattaca he made his dream happen. Example Three: When he and his brother raced TWICE he beat his brother, the brother without the heart problems, the brother made to succeed had failed. Twice.
I think that the phrase, "There is no gene for the human spirit" means that even if you are genetically engineered, you still have flaws. You can't genetically engineer the choices your child makes. So although the traits may be determined by the parent, they can't determine the child's life.
by lisa "whoa" oh <3
"There is no gene for the human spirit" means that the will and drive to do your best and succeed at something can not be controlled by generic alteration. This is played out in the movie because when Vincent beats his brother 2 times in the chicken game. Vincent's brother had the generic disadvantage but the drive of Vincent's spirit led him to beat his brother.
Keegan C, period 6
What this phrase means is you can change everything genetically, enhance speed or intellegance, make the child less subseptable to disease, and make the kids genetic profile as best as it can be, but not even science can enhance the human spirit. This is proven when Eugiene admits to trying to commit suicide even though hes genetically better than Vincent, and Vincent beat his brother in the swimming version of "chicken" even though his brother was stronger genetically. And Vincents will and dream brought him to a higher carrer and personal status that only a genetically advanced child was supposed to obtain, proving anything- no matter what the facts or science say, is possible.
Kailee P
Period 6
Matt Sleeth p 2
I think it means that you can't genetically give someone spirit or perserverance. Vincent thrives to get a job at Gattaca and succeeds while other natural borns don't test their sterotype. Vincent also beats his bro cuz of his determination to win. Vincent also ended up going into space which was his dream.
I think that it means someone can be the best of the best genetically but they could have serious mental issues that you cannot change. For example, Jerome who was perfect genetically, stepped out in front of a car. vincent who had alot of genetic issues was the one who suceeded in life because he tried hard even though he was discriminated against just because his genetic ability.
Lauren Plog
I think the phrase means that gene cant determine who you are because your gene doesnt decide the way you think or act, it is your spirt. For examples, in the movie vincent's Brother is genetically better than vincent, but vincent still won his Brother twice in the swimming contest.Also Irene has heart problems but she's still very smart like Vincent. Another example that even though vincent's not valid but he still got into space.
Xiao X.
period 3
this means that you can't control how a person is built even if you make them genetically perfect. one example is how the real jerome is perfectly designed yet he isn't a perfect human because he is in a wheelchair. another example is how vincent isn't perfectly designed yet he has passed by everybody and they have all thought that he is the real perfect jerome. and lastly, antown is perfectly designed yet he can't swim out as far int eh ocean as vincent when they play the game "chicken"
The phrase means that no matter what genes you have and what you look like only you can decide who you will be and who you are as a person. An example of this is that even though Jerome (Vincent) is a godchild he still doesn't give up on his dream even though he knows his weaknesses. Another examle is when Anton is jealous of Vincent because he is successful even though he shouldn't be. My last example is when we see that Uma Therman's character limits herself to things she thinks she can't do because her DNA tells her that she has heart disease
I think this phrase means that now matter what you are inside you can do what ever you want if you have the heart and the dedication. First, Vincent beat his genetically superior brother in the game chicken because he had more heart. Second, he met the physical requirements to be at Gattaca but lacked the genetical requirements. Last, Uma even with her heart problem she made it into Gattaca because it was her passion just like Vincent.
Spencer Noonan
per 2
“There is no gene for the human spirit” says that someone may have good genes, or they may have bad genes, but their genes don’t affect the way they think of themselves or others.
The main example from Gattaca that supports this phrase is that Vincent is smart, fit, and works at Gattaca well, even though he is invalid. To add on to that, Vincent managed to out-swim his genetically altered, “perfect”, brother.
Another example of how this phrase is played out in the movie is that Eugene was valid to be in Gattaca, “perfect” in almost every way, except for the fact that he did not like himself. Eugene struggled with his mind and thoughts, which showed through when he admitted to having been sober when he jumped out in front of a car, and, in the end, killing himself.
A final example of how the theme was expressed in the movie was that Irene had heart problems, and yet her determination and fear managed to overwhelm that to keep her away from the cops while they were chasing after her and Vincent, even though it was dangerous for her heart.
-Natalie Wagner
The phrase "There is no gene for the human spirit" means that however close to perfect you are, you could still be unmotivated, and if you were not the most perfect, you could have more spirit and will then the perfect person. An example of this is when Jerome beats his "perfect" brother swimming. Another example is when Irene and Jerome are running, and Irene thinks she can't because of her heart condition, and Jerome tells her she "just did". That is an example of a person limiting themself because of what the doctors tell them as opposed to their own willpower. A final example is when Eugene commits suicide, which shows that his will wo live anymore is weak, even though his genes say that he could run through walls.
~Rosemary Period 3
When I hear the theme or phrase There is No Gene For the Human Spirit. I think of Gatttaca, I don't mean the movie Gattaca but the company Gattaca in the movie. I think of how so many people try to work their, try to fufil their dreams of leaving this planet and going into space. I then think of how so many people are not able to do this because they are genetically "incapable" or god children. To us this is just a normal human being, but to them it is a lower class. Not bases on money anymore or looks, not based on clothes but genetics your actual DNA. Vincent (Jerome) is a god child, however he also proves the impossible, he shows that he can do more or beat the genetically "superior" by swimming out farther than his brother Anton. When i hear this frase i also think of the beginning of the movie when Vincent's father freaks out because his son that is about to take his name will not have been genitically designed to perfection. He realizes that "Vincent" at that time Anton is "not worthy" of his name. I then think of the very end of the movie when Vincent has to save his brother once again from drowning after playing their game to see who swims the farthest. I also think of Irene who works at Gattaca although she does not go into space even though that is her dream. Both her and Vincent have to watch launches over and over and over again for a very long time knowing that they will never achieve their dream because of their genetics. However Vincent's situation is different because he changes himself in order to achieve his dreams or shall i say dream. When i hear the phrase There is No Gene For the Human Spirit, i know that's the only reason why Vincent (Jerome) was able to perservear this whole time. Also the last thing i think of when i hear this theme is Ugine i think of the very last scence where even though he just tells Vincent (Jerome) he is going on vacation he actually pulls his crippled body into the incinorator, puts his medal on and burns himself alive. There truely is no Gene for the Human Spirit and that theme is presented in the movie Gattaca.
Jadyn Estrada
"There is no gene for human spirit" means to me that you can program a gene sequence for an unborn child, but you cannot program their willingness to reach that full potential. In the movie, Vincent was a "god-child", or a naturally born child, and at one point he said that his heart was already 10,000 beats over-due, basically meaning that he should have been dead, but his spirit, and determination, which are not included in a gene sequence made him continue with what he was doing. Also, Eugine, for all his genetic superiority over Vincent, had no drive to take what he had been given through his genes, and do something that required that level of genes, even before he stepped out in front of the car. Another example of a supposedly genetic-superior person was Anton. He was supposed to be "better" based on him being superior genetically, but because Vincent was determined to beat him (with the swimming), he did.
Rowan Ramey-Dixon, Period Three
Every person is different and there is no telling exactly how a person will turn out. Vincent might have had disadvantages but that didn't stop him from acting differently than anyone else. When he acted as Jerome, he might have had a different appearance, but he would always be the same person on the inside. Everyone can look the same and that won't tell what their spirit is like because each and every one is different. I can clone myself to look exactly the same but their spirit will never be the same because everybody shapes differently. It is also unpredictable because your spirit may allow you to do things that you never thought you could do.
"There is no gene for the human spirit" means that you can never measure how much heart some one has or take away anyones fate when they are born. This is showed throughout the movie by 1) showing how Vincent (Jerome) achieved his dreams even though he wasn't 'supposed' to because he beat out the odds. Also, how the doctor let Jerome board the Space Vessel to Titan 14 because his own son has the same 'Birth Deficiences' that Jerome had, and he wanted to show his own kid that it was possible.
Sam Mix period 2 Anderson
I think this phrase means that although in that futuristic world practically every gene in a person can be predecided, there is no way to control a person's spirit. For example, Vincent is a "god child" so he has very limited opportunities. His lifelong dream is to go into space, but the strength of his spirit doesn't let his natural birth stop him. Also, when he competed for swimming against his brother as a child, Vincent always lost. Yet, he never gave up. And one day, he could beat Anton. Still on the subject of swimming, a third example is that Anton's genes are totally superior to Vincent's, yet his designed birth could not ensure a strong spirit.
Claire C.
Period 6
It means that no matter how much you process your kid to be perfect, there is still something you can't control, like his will, or spirit. One example of this is when he beats his brother in the game where they swim out as far as they can, and even though he's not genetically superior, he finally wins. Another example is Eugene, despite his perfect genetics, only got second in the Olympics, and broke his back later. The last example is when he basically outsmarts all the "valids" at Gattaca, even though he is an invalid, they still can't discover him throughout the movie, and these detectives are suppose to be among the best - they're valids.
Matthew M.
Period 1
"There is no gene for the human spirit" means, I think, that your genes don't tell people who you are and your personality isn't controlled by genes. But personality can be changed/influenced by other people and things. some examples are when Vincent beat his brother in chicken and it wasn't his genes it was hid determination that let him win. Then when Irene said "you know i can't do that" and Vincent said "you just did." it shows that she can do that if she wants to. Another is that Vincent can do his job at Gattaca really well and go into space even though he is invalid.
Tabitha W
Per. 6
Vincent could still beat Aton even though he is not "genetically" superior, but he has the spirit to keep going and genetics had nothing to do with that. Also, Vincent had the spirit to go try to get into GATTACA even though his genetics weren't up to standards, his spirit just thrived to be in the program. Finally, Aton was really not nice and thought he was better than Vincent, but Vincent had a good heart and helped his "girlfriend" to think that she isn't a mistake. Vincent had a better spirit even though his genetics are technically weaker. Human spirit has no genetics.
Lauren Alberg, Period 1 Anderson
There is no gene for the human spirit means that there is no gene for your personality. It doesn't matter if you are gentically enigineered if you have detiremination and willing you should be able to achieve it no matter what genes you have.
-Michelle Pfeifer
Per. 5/6
"There is no gene for human spirit" means that even if you are genetically engineered for perfection, if you don't have the drive and ambition to use your abilities, nothing will happen for you. It means that someone who works hard can conquer any obstacles in life. In the movie, Vincent beats Antoine in the ocean swim twice, and saves Antoine's life twice, because he gives it all he has. When Antoine asks him how he kept up, Vincent says "I never saved anything for the way back". Vincent and Irene's love also shows that human spirit can conquer genetic imperfection. By looking past what their genes show, they realize that they love each other for who they are. Finally, Vincent wants to be an astronaut so much that he is able to successfully infiltrate the space program and become the leading figure of it. He worked tirelessly to achieve what everyone said he could not do. This movie shows that nothing will replace human spirit and ambition in our lives.
-Hannah Stulberg
Period 5
This means that there is no way to determine a person is a person no matter how small.
I think it means that you don't have to be genetically perfect, just be who you want to be and thats all that matters.
Robert P.
Period 5
i think that this means that even if a person isnt genetically changed genes dont matter you can succeed no matter what genes you have
-Keelin C, 1
I think "There is no gene for human spirit" means that you can be built to be an amazing super human person that doesn't even realize what he actually has. on the hand there can be someone that is like wrong in every way physically but he never stops trying to be better. In Gattaca Vincent expresses this every time he beet Antwon in chicken. Vincent is also pushing to his dreams by fitting himself into Jerome's shoes (so to speak) and play the life of Jerome to fulfill his dream.
Oliver Cockerham
Per. 3
I think what it meant is that your human spirit has nothng to do with your gene, if you are genetically perfect but you have no ambition, then all you will be able to do is what your genes have, like what Eugene is doing every day, being the person who donate his perfect genes while the other person is persuing his dream. If you are not genetically perfect, but you have ambition, then you can do so much more then the people who is genetically perfect but doesn't persue their dreams like Gerome/Vincent when he beat his genetically perfect brother and when he went up in space.
Amber Ma
No genes for human spirit means that a personality can't be changed or controlled by a gene because its constantly altered and affected by that person's enviorment.
Example 1:
Ilene and Vincent didn't need a gene testing to tell if they were "interested" in each other.
Example 2:
Vincent wasn't too discouraged with his society because he was determined to go to space. Where as another godchild would have been discouraged and just given up.
Example 3:
When Eugene was born, when they did their gene testing on him, I don't think they predicted that he wold be suicidal.
Frank Han. Period 5.
"There is no gene for human spirit" is used as a genneral theme because in the movie it is showing Vincent beating the odds of his genes.
Example #1: When Vincent beats his geneticaly modified brother in a game of chicken.
Example #2: The fact that Vincent beat all of the genetic tests with somone elses DNA was amazing, he got to space with it.
Example #3: At the end of the movie when Jerom kills himself in the icinerator thingy, Vincent was living his dream. Comparing them together simply says this, Vincent beat the odds and lived his dream.Jerom tryed to kill himself and became a cripple and a jrunk, even though he had the perfect body and genes.
Sasha Alden Per. 1
There is no gene for the human spirit because no gene will decide how hard you try in life, that's up to you. When Vincent beat Anton in swimming and saved his life even though he wasn't nearly as strong it was because he had the willpower. He also pretended to be Jerome for such a long time even though it was almost impossible, but it worked because he was so determined. Also in Gattaca the genetically enhanced people don't really have to try that hard in life, so they don't have as much determination or "human spirit."
-Margaret Gifford, period 1
I think what is meant is even if you have a problem if you believe in your self then almost anythhing is possiable. Like vincent he had a problem and he believed in himself so he could do anything like beat his perfect brother in a swimming race and go to space in a rocket ship.
When they say there is no gene for the human spirit, they mean that no matter how perfect your genes can be, and how 'superior' you are to others, you are not perfect, and someone who is inferior to you can be just as great as you as long as they want to. One example is that of Vincent/Jerome, who throughout the story continues to pursue his dream even though others told him he couldn't make it. He also beat his brother Anton twice while swimming, and ended up saving him from drowning. And last of all, Irene and VIncent's love for each other show that just because you are 'imperfect' you are still human and can do everything the other genetically perfect people can do.
Niki Alden
I think this saying means that no matter what ur ptoential is, the human spirtit and will can overcome. For example vincint beating his brother twice when they swam. Also just the fact vincint got into Gattaca. And last is the doctor. Who even though he knew vincints scret he didn't tell.
I think that this phrase is refered to the fact that even though people can be geneticly created and be like perfect people, it doesnt stop regular concived people to follow their dreams. like in the part when vincent trys to out swim his geneticly created brother and he never stops trying because he has heart and wont give up until he wins, which shows his devoted spirit. although vincent is not perfect he never gives up on going to space and goes through the trouble of becoming jerome marrow, he even broke his legs to fit the profile. The man who takes jeromes urine samples and tests knows hes not who he says he is, but his son is the same way so he lets vince go on.
i thinks i would genetlically alter my child so he could have the best possible probability of succes and so he wouldn't become depressed and incinerate himself.
I think what it means is that even if you're not genetically perfect, but you have the spirit, you can achieve your dream. In Gattaca, Vincent is genetically perfect, but he has the spirit, so he beat his brother and went up to space, his long time dream. Eugene is genetically perfect but he doesn't have the spirit, so all he can do is watch other people succeed.
Amber Ma
I think what it means is that even if you're not genetically perfect, but you have the spirit, you can achieve your dream. In Gattaca, Vincent is genetically perfect, but he has the spirit, so he beat his brother and went up to space, his long time dream. Eugene is genetically perfect but he doesn't have the spirit, so all he can do is watch other people succeed.
Amber Ma
No there is no Gene For The Human Spirit because for example Vincent did pretty amazing things that people said he couldn't do because he was in-valid and very fragile as you learned from his DNA testing from when he was born. But Vincent proved them all wrong. He did the things that everyone said he couldn't do for example him and his brother always swam to see who could go the longest and his brother always said he couldn't beat him and that he was going to loose. But one time Vincent won and carried his brother back to shore. Another thing that he did that people said he couldn't do was get a job in the building because he was in-valid but he did the impossible. And the last thing he did that people said he couldn't is he finally got to go into space and live his life dream.
Emily Dobbs
Period 6
I believe this means that no matter if you aren't perfect and there are parts of you that aren't as well as other peoples it doesn't mean you can't achieve great things. Vincent was still able to beat Eugene with enough determination at swimming. And was able to for fill his dreams of being an astronaut. Spirit is not a gene.
there is no gene for the human spirit.
1 this shows that an invalid with a heart condition has the SPIRIT to exell into gattica.
2 in this perfect world, your "limits" limit you. meaning you dont want to test your strength if it says you are weak.
3 the genes of a man could be perfect, but he could still have a bad life, and attempt suicide (eugene. his spirit was low even though his body was perfect.
I think that "There is no gene for the human spirit" means that it doens't matter if you were genetically engineered or not, or a "God-child" as they say in the movie, if you don't push yourself to succeed, you never will. In the movie, Vincent and Antoine swam in the ocean, and the "genteically imperefect" Vincent won. When Antoine asked how he did it, he simply said that he didn't save anything for the swim back. This perfectly shows that you always have to push yourself the hardest, even with your imperfections. Next, with the space program. Eugene had the perfect genes to be able to get into the space program; all he would have had to do was sign up, and they would have welcomed him with open arms. But, he didn't want to. He lakced the drive and want to go into space, eeven though he would have been able to in a heart beat. This shows that there is no gene for you're personality. Finally, Vincent and Irene. Even though they were both genetically "imperfect", they both were able to make their dream of going into space true. This shows that even with their limitations, they were able to succeed in what they wanted, since they had enough drive.
-Kara A.
Period 3
I think the quote means that the human spirit doesnt have a gene and you can do whatever you want with it. An example is like when the god child beat his brother at swimming twice even though the brother was supposed to be better.
I think that this means that even if a person is genetically modified, you cannot choose or change their every thought. For example, even though Anton was the genetically superior one out of the two brothers, Vincent still beat him at their swimming competitions. Vincent has a very weak heart, yet he still works his hardest and is willing to do anything to achieve his goal. Also, even though Eugene was genetically modified and worked very hard, he ends up in a wheelchair, paralyzed. Another example is when Irene says that her heart is weak, but Vincent's reply is that that is nothing because his heart is already 10,000 beats overdue. This is saying that he should have already died, but his perseverance and determination keeps him alive.
Larissa Liu
Period 3
There is no Genes for the human spirit means that nomatter what the genes a person has that doesnt effect the spirit of a person.
throughout this whole movie Vincent is an example is this. Despite is genticic dissadvantages, he manges to have a unweilding spirit and succeed in life. Also Eugene doesnt seem to have a good spirit even though he is gentically enhanced.
This means that although some people may be genetically discriminated based on what they are physically, that doesn't necessarily mean that the mental capacity is also limited for everyone. Although Vincent was not genetically "popular," he was still very resourceful and he managed to trick a bunch of people because he believed in what he was doing. He had a high probabilty of heart failure, and he was weak, but his spirit was still strong, and he used his brain to be able to trick others and achieve his dream.
-Brian Callans
period 1
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