During a scene in "Gattaca," Vincent's parents visited a doctor who specialized in child conception. Vincent's parents hoped to select the best possible traits for his future brother and therefore assure Vincent's brother would have the best possible chance for a successful life. Some of the specific traits mentioned in "Gattaca" included intelligence, height, and possibility of inherited disease.
If you decide to have a child one day and if you were given the opportunity to select for special traits, would you do so? Why or why not?
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
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I would not to decide my kids height and ability for things. I think its tampering with nature and its not right. Also, there's no wondering for the kid about what he will be like when hes older.
-Mac Nisbet
Now,if I had the opprotunity to pick special traits I wouldn't because it's not normal and people might judge that kid for being genetically made, and say that was not fair for sports and other things. I would however pick special traits for my child if everyone did, and if it determined your status in life, like in Gattaca. This is because I would want the kid to have all the same opprotunities as other kids, and in this way they would be equal. (I would only do this for the benefit of the child, not to have a perfect kid.)
Monica H.
Period 2.
I would probably like to remove some of the inherited diseases because it would seriously suck to have a disease given to my future child that I could've prevented. It's not like the main character in the movie actually wanted to have his heart problems. I think that if he could've redesigned himself he would've because genetic diseases are pretty much universially hated and I doubt that there are many people who are gratefull for baldness, bad vision, heart problems, or other stuff
If I was a character in the movie, I probably would've chosen my children's genes because in the movie, the people whose parents didn't choose their genes were discriminated, and I wouldn't want my child's future to be clean floors. If someone or something stopped the discrimination totally, I would consider both sides, but I would probably tweak the genes a little to stop diseases and addictions and such, and maybe even intelligence, but height, personality, gender, etc. I wouldn't really care about.
-David Li, Period 6
Braden w.
Yes i would because i would want them to live the longest amount of time. i would also whant them to be happy.
Really, I would want to have imput on those decisions. I would want to have imput on those traits simply because it could potentially save my childs life, if for instance I specified that I did not want my child to have a high risk for any diseases. Also, really you could just make the child you have always wanted. i would make sure that my child was to be taller than the average person and actually I would make sure that my child was smart/intellegent just to assure that he could have a successful career someday. You only want the best for your child.
- Erica L.
- Period 5
I would not hand pick traits for my child (if I were to, for some extremely odd reason, have a child) because genetically altering any human is considered by many a wrong thing to do, because of how it messes with the natural way of life. Also, if you were genetically altered, would you be very happy about it when you found out? I don't think so! If I had a child and genetically altered them in that way, I'd have to tell them eventually, and when they found out, they'd probably be very upset.
Also, if the genetically altered child grows up and has children, the children or their children have a possibility of being mutated, since genetically altering someone is not natural and could cause problems with their genotypes.
Adelin L, Period 2.
I dont think that I would choose the specially made child because it's like that wouldn't even be your child. Each person is unique and if you decide to just make something that you want, then it wouldn't be unique. I also think that choosing specific traits for a child, wouldn't allow them to know what they could have been if it were a natural birth.
If I decide to have a child, i would select special traits because if i can give my child the best opportunity possible.
Amber M. Per.1
if i choose to have a kid, i would select special traits because i can give my child the best opportunity possible.
Amber M. Per-1
Yes, I would select "special" traits given the opportunity because it would give my child a higher probability of surviving, and prospering in that, or any, time.
Rowan Ramey-Dixon. period three
In my opinon, i would like my child to be who they were ment to be. I would want to change them. If they were born a special trait then thats who they were ment to be, if not i would just deal with it. I would love my child no matter what. Of course as a mother, i would think like that, but for someone else they would have their own reasoning. In the end i just want my child to live a normal life even if not normal. I would still do all i can to make it seem that he can live on without knowing the fact he or she is not normal.
If i had the option of genetically modifying my kid would wantt to give him/her the greatest advantage in our world so i would most likely modify them so they could be smarter and more athletically built.
Spencer Olmos
I would choose special traits for my child if i was given the chance. My child would be able to live a better, healthier life while on the other hand, there would be a chance that my child would have problems. Then my child wouldn't be able to get a good job and live a happy life. Selecting special traits will guarantee my child to live their life to the fullest.
Jackie L.
Period 6
If I had to make this decision one day, I would choose to keep my child normal and not enhanced in any way unless there was a complication that made normal activites difficult for him/her in which case I would have them fix the problem. But any other characteristic would be left alone because that's how he/she was planned to be and I wouldn't want to alter it.
Matt S
If I was given the chance to select special traits for my child, I wouldn't do it because then my child would not be who she/he is and everything would be different with the child that god gave me.
Xiao X.
Period 4
No because no child is perfect and if you try to make it perfect and expect it to be perfect, you will be very dissapointed when it is not perfect.
If I was given the opportunity to select special traits, I would determine diseases but I would leave the rest up to chance because if I everyone chose the traits of their kids, everyone would be the same. On the other hand, I wouldn't want my kid to have a disease so that is the only thing I would determine about the kid.
-Allie M.
(Period 3)
If I decide to have a child one day and was given the opportunity to select for special traits, I would make my decision depending on whether society would judge him/her off of his/her genetic data or not.If this was today's society, I would choose not to select his/her traits. If it was Gattaca's society, I would choose to select special traits for him/her.
Nick B. Period 2
I would choose to pick the traits inherited in my kid. I would want to give my kid the best possible chance in this world so I would choose all the good traits and no genetic diseases.
If i was given the oppurtunity to chose my childs trait i would chose some of them. I would chose the diseases to make sure my child was healthy. But, i would not chose any of the other traits because i would want my child to be able to chose their own future.
~Rachel C.
Period 1
i would not choose to do that beacuse i think that you should just let what ever happens happen, and if everyone did that its almost like everyone is perfect.
If I changed my mind and decided to have children I would want to give him/her the best chance they could get at having a succesful and fufilling life, so yes, i would select special traits.
David C. Period 5
I would have the "genetically perfect" baby because I would want him/her to have the best he/she could have, instead of wanting to change their identity, like Vincent does in the movie.
-Allison H.
If I decide to have a baby one day then I would only want to decide the traits that my baby gets if not enhancing my baby's traits would not allow my baby to go down some paths in his or her life. If nothing bad will come out of not deciding the traits then I would want it to be up to chance.
Keegan C, period 6
I would take the opportunity to select special traits for a child because after seeing how limited and far from his dreams Vincent is in "Gattaca", I would not want to make another person go through that. I think people should have their own choice of what to do with their future, and having the best chance at a successful life is not restricting opportunities at all. I think it is unfair to the child if they are born with flaws in a world of flawless people.
Claire C. Period 6
I'm not sure if I would want to choose the traits for my child. It would be a hard decision, and I have no idea. In a way, I would want too. By choosing my child's traits, I would know they would be healthy and successful. They would have an equal chance in society, they could follow their dreams, and live without discrimination. I wouldn't want my child to not be able to do something because of their genes. I would want them to be happy and have as many options as possible, which would mean choosing their traits. Another part of me wouldn't want to choose their traits. I would want my child to know that they are fine just the way they are, and doesn't need to have their genes choosen. They could be themselves, and not have to worry about being perfect. I'm not sure what I would do if I was in that situation, it would be a tough choice.
Sara B. Period 5
If I were to have a child one day I would take the the opportunity to select special traits. I would use the special traits because I don't want my child to be susceptible to diseases. For example I could choose to make my child not have heart disease or lung disease or leave it up to fate that they could die early or live a painful life. I could also make my child smarter, personally, I would want a child who would succeed in school and have a great career. If choosing your child's traits was the thing to do when I had a child, I would do it, I would prefer to be following the trend more than not.
-Brendan R
P. 3
If I were to have a child one day I would take the the opportunity to select special traits. I would use the special traits because I don't want my child to be susceptible to diseases. For example I could choose to make my child not have heart disease or lung disease or leave it up to fate that they could die early or live a painful life. I could also make my child smarter, personally, I would want a child who would succeed in school and have a great career. If choosing your child's traits was the thing to do when I had a child, I would do it, I would prefer to be following the trend more than not.
-Brendan R
P. 3
That is a hard choice to make. I would want my child to have the best chance of being successful in life, but I don't know if this method is right. However, in the movie, the only way to be great is to have great DNA. With that in mind, I would say that no matter how much I think that this is wrong, I would be robbing my child of a future if I chose the "natural way". Yes, in this cruel world, you are either with, or against. There is no middle ground in a perfect society. On the bright side, the child with "better" DNA would be happy as themselves. The best they could possibly be. Diseases would not be an issue, and neither would brain defficiency... Is the word "perfect" a gift or a curse?
I would want my kid to be genetically modified because that would be cool to live through my son and he'd be nice enough to give me some money because of his success. I don't want my kid to be stupid, and it would guarentee him something if I genetically modified him. My kid would be smart and tall, and if I had the oppurtune moment, why not?
If i could choose to make my child have its life planned out or not i wouldn't because i would want my child to earn his or her pride rather than have it given to them. Also, how would you feel if your child didn't like the life that you gave them and it would then by your fault.
I would make my child perfect because i would want to give them the best chance in life. I would prefer that they were left to chance but that would not benifet them in life.
Sasha A per. 1
If I were given the opportunity to select special traits for my child, I wouldnt do it because no child is perfect and I would want my child to be who they want to be.
Robert p.
If i really had to choose i would choose special traits because then my child would get to do anything he wanted.Aslo, he would be treated like a outcast like the space guys was treated.
If I could, I would alter my childs traits to be perfect so in a world where everyone is genetically advanced, my child would have a chance to succeed.
Jared C.
i wouldnt alter the way he would look or perform later in life because thats in humane, although it is tempting. i would probably make it so that he couldnt get some of the more serious deseases so that he lead a healthy life.
I would want to have my kid naturally because if you chose everything about them they would pretty much be a little robot, and they wouldn't be your own kid, they would be what somebody thought would be a better version of you.
Chappy period 3
If I could choose to have my baby perfect, I probably would but I would also leave somethings up to chance like Uma Thurman's character. I would do this because I would want the best life for my kid and I want him to have all the oppurtunities in the world, and in that situation he would need to be 'perfect' in some cases.
Sam Mix period 2 anderson
I would genetically engineer my child, because I would want him/her to have the best possible life that I can provide for them. While they live that life, they can make their own choices that affect how they use their enhanced body.
If I were living in that time then yes I would go to a genetic specialist because seeing how Vincent's life turned out, I wouldn't want my child to have to go through that struggle even though I believe that children should be born naturally because the process of natural selection kills off those who wont survive anyways. So Ethically I would say no but for practicality I would say yes
If I had a child one day I would not choose special traits for him/her because thats not the way it was intended to be.
-Paul O'Neill
If i was given the option of selecting certain traits for my child i would only pick a few specific traits. I would make my child cancer/heart problem free, i would make sure that my child was tall, and i would make sure that my child could see perfectly.
If I lived in the same society as in the movie Gattaca then I would use the opportunity to choose certain genetic traits in my child. Since a child's entire life, and the opportunities they are given is based on the genetic composition, I would want them to have the best in life. To give them these benefits, genetic alteration is the way to go. If the society was like society today, then I would just screen for diseases and give my child the healthiest body possible with no diseases so that no inherited physical problems would hold them back in life. I would leave looks and mental ability up to chance, because I wouldn't want to "play God".
-Hannah Stulberg
Period 5
I would not genetically modify my children. In my opinion, it's like creating robots and providing no say in their future. Everyone is born for a reason, and if they are born differently than they were meant to be, then they would have a different path. It also wouldn't be fair to every one else who didn't have a choice. Also, there would always be some sort of flaw, because nobody's perfect.
-Andrea Y.
Period 2
I would genetically alter my child if we lived in a world like Gattacca. Where whether or not you were designed determines your place in society. I would want my child to be able to succeed and I wouldn't want to hold them back by my decision to have them naturally. Even if the world is the way it is now I think I would genetically 'design' my child,up to point of apperance and gender. If you're helping them live longer and healthier, or let someone be born smarter, I doubt anyone would complain. But, I don't think I would design the way they would look or their gender because that would be an incredibly hard decision, and I wouldn't want to feel guilty to my child for not making him look the way he wanted to look.
Zoe T. period 2
If I could genetically modify my child, I wouldn't because it isn't right to mess with things like that and I would leave it up to chance. If a child was born perfect, he wouldn't work hard enough because everything was just given to him. The child has to work for things like being physically fit.
i would only give my kid immunities to diseases and better vision. i wouldnt give him any special traits like the 6 fingered piano guy. i think you should work to get your skills and not just be born with it.
If I were to have a child one day and were given the choice of selecting special traits, I woudn't agree to it because of moral reasons. It just seems wrong to choose what a person will look like or how high their intelligence level will be. It's a little too much like playing God and, as Gattaca has shown, will only lead to another type of discrimination.
-Jocelyn Wang
Pd. 5
i would not tamper with the kids because it is unnatural and wrong. Also i would like my kids to be like me not mutated to be better.
Stevo Mather
per 1
If i were to have the chance to "create" a child that could be anything i wanted it to be, i would make it just like me. He would be able to run very fast, swim, and do all kinds of sports. I would make it so that he had no medical problems whatsoever. He would be the perfect child!
I would choose my childs traits if we lived in a world like Gattaca so they could do whatever they wanted without having something they can not control restraining them. But in this world I would not choose my childs trait because no one is perfect.
-Megan O'Brian Per 2
If I had the opportunity to choose special traits for my child, I would make sure they didn't have the genes for threatening diseases such as cancer, obesity, or diabetes. However, I wouldn't choose traits such as height, hair color, or eye color. I think that my child should have the chance to be who they are naturally, and not the image of the "perfect child" because nobody is perfect, they are just who they are.
-Lucia Gruber
Period 5
Yes, I would select special traits for my kid because I wouldn't want his future to be crap because of a mistake I made 20 years earlier. I would want him to get the best job and be the best he could.
If I had the choice to genetically choose the traits of my child, today, I wouldn't because I don't feel that it is natural. Also, it isn't the "normal" as it is in the movie. However, the one time that I think I would choose the traits of my child would be if I knew that it would help my child to live a healthier, happier life.
Cassidy C.
Period 5
If I had the choice of genetically altering my child, I would only change things that were life threatening. If my child had a high risk of disease, I would genetically change that part of the child just to increase their chance at life and well being. I wouldn't change any of their characteristics because I would want the child to know that I loved them for who they turned out to be.
-Caroline H.
Period 2
I would not want to geneticly enhance my child because we on't fully understand how our genetics and bodies work. Changing around variables could create a horrible new genetic disease or create a perfect child.
If I was given the opportunity to select special traits for my child I would not take it. Even if choosing specific traits could insure the best possibilities for a successful life it would not really feel like the child is who they were meant to be. It would feel like the child was not real and to have a child with perfect genes everyone could possibily expect alot of the child although in truth the child could have errors in their personality perventing thier success in the best life possible.
Period 6 E.L.
If I was in Vincent's parents position, I would not chose any cosmetic genetic traits. I would though make sure that my child would not have any life threatening sickness or birth defects that could be problematic. But if my child has Asthmea, I would not change that because the kid still needs some challenge in it's life.
Ali Bedbury ^^
I would not choose my childs traits for them, because I think it is messing with nature and not the way its supposed to be. The child would never have to work hard for things if they are already perfect. The only traits that I would maybe choose is how likely they are to get a life threatening disease so that they could live the longest and healthiest life possible.
If I had to choose between genetically altering my child or not than I would probably choose to genetically alter my child because than he/she would have a better opportunity to have a longer life span and more of a chance of success than if he was not altered
If I chose to have a child and were given the option I would choose to use genetic engineering because I would want my child to have the best life I could give them. I would want them to be free of genetic disease and mutation. Also, if I were in the same society as in Gattaca I would want them to be free of discrimination and have the best job oppurtunities they could get.
Kody N.
Period 2
I would not choose to select special traits for my child because I think that nature should decide what you look like and how you act or whether or not you are healthy.
If I had the choice, I think that I wouldn't want to determine the traits of the child. I say this because the child would be forced to be something they might not want to be. While it might be helpful to the child for me to determine their traits, it may also be a hinderance, seeing as the traits may put them in a position to do a job they dislike.
Erich W. Period 3
If i were given the chance to choose my child's traits, i would. If I did then i would set my child up for success and happiness so that they wouldn't have to be worrying about their health problems all their life. I think that you should give your child the best chance in life if you can.
Lauren Plog
I think to have a kid that is genetically modified is a good thing because He/she gets to have a better life and don't have to be so isolated.
ya i would make my kid jacked and reallly smart so he could be an NFL player. so ya i would becasue that would be sick and i wouldnt want to take the chance of getting a kid i dont like.
I would never decided my childs fait. There will always be room for erros no matter if a computer can decided your traits. Life is suppose to be divource not altered. Playing god isnt up to us.
-Reid Malmquist
When I reach the point in my life where I am in a committed relationship with a nice young lady and the we both decide together to have children, I would definitely want to have a natural born child. This is because I believe that from the movie's display of what a genetically engineered born person was like seemed like they were all egotistical mean people vs. the natural born's who just wanted to be treated equally. I believe that however we got here (G*d, evolution, big bang, monkeys, etc...) that we were meant to give birth naturally. Weather it be G*d or nature, I don't believe that humans were meant to choose how our offspring are genetically made. Lastly, I would say that there would be no fun in raising a child. My mom is always saying how the best thing in here life is watching Zach and I grow up (Awwwwwww...) and if I had my child genetically engineered there would be no fun in raising a kid. I would already no that my child would be good at somethings and not good at others; no fun.
That's all
If i were to genetically engineer my child it would only be to prevent certain diseases. I would prefer to have some chance in what the child would be like.
I have to say, if I could genetically engineer a child, I might. I wouldn't want to make them completely perfect, because I beleive that that's wrong, but I think I'd want to try to help them as much as I could, like taking away a risk of heart disease, or making sure that they won't need glasses. I'd only change thinks liek that so I could help them lead a better life in the advancing world. But making sure they're tall, have perfect features, and a perfect personality is just creepy....
-Kara A.
Period 3.
Even though i'd want my kid to have to best life possible, I would not want to modify their genes. Mainly because I think its a bit creepy but also because it would destroy his/her "unique-ess" and I think the whole idea conflicts was my religion, christianity, a bit. Frank han.
I would make sure that my kid is ready for life and that he can be the best he can be. I would make sure that my kid didnt have any diseases or disabilites. i wouldnt however genetically change my kids physical apperamce, i would leave it up to chance.
Holly Boothroyd
Period 2
If I had an oppurtinity to select special traits for my kid, I would not do it because no child is perfect and I would just want my kid to be who they want.
Robert Parker
i would want my kid too have a good life and be as healthy as possible so i would want him to be like annton
no i would not give my kid a genticly engener my own kid because its better if i can see what my kid. I do not want to mess up the order of nature.
Paz,H period 5
When I decide to have a child I will have it the natural way. This would be best because I wouldnt want my child to feel pressured to be perfect because we had him or her made a specific way.
I would not want my children to be genetically enginered because I would like them to know that not everyones perfect and life has many flaws.
Yes, because then I could make sure he is healthy. I don't want him to suffer from human diseases, and I would want him to have a good future. He won't be perfect, so he wouldn't be expected to be so.
If i were to genetically engineer my child, I would only do it for prevention for disease. I wouldn't do it for looks, intelligence, and things that we could develope on our own.
by lisa oh
I would never change my child genes just so he or she could fit in to most everyone i will leave his problems to fate
I would not want to "customize" my child because I would love my kid for who he or she really is. It would make me feel better knowing thta my kid is who they really are.
Yes i would do it to make sure that my child wouldn't get diseases. I would also make sure that my child is healthy for she or he wouldn't get hurt in anyway possible.
Jade K. Per. 6
If I got to choose the genetics for my kids I will only choose a few things. I would choose for them to not have inherited diseases and also anything that would make it where they couldnt prosper in life. I would let eye and hair color, height, and other physical things be by chance because that way traits can be passed on through generations.
Christy K Period 5
Cameron Carbone says,
i wouldnt change my childs genes because i wouldnt want people to expect perfection out of my kid or even myself.
I would probably just choose him or her to not have specific dieseases because I would want my child to live as long as they want to. I would not tamper with their eyesight, height, hair color or anything like that.
-Karah Weber
No i wouldnt have my child to be perfect because than it woould be cheating and that wouldnt be fair to other kids who dont have perfect traits.
- P Dog Mill or Peter Miller
If i had the option to genetically enhance my child i would decline but i would do it so it has less chance for deisease. I find it morally wrong to mess with Gods initial design for a child but when it comes to the wellfare of the child i would allow enhancing.
Kailee P.
Period 6
I would instead let my child be born as he was meant to be. In my opinion, it doesn't really matter whether or not my son is perfect. I would still love him no matter what his hair color or height or probability of heart failure or life expectancy. I would still love him just like I would love all of my children.
-Brian Callans
Period 1
I wouldnt want to genetically change my child becasue its messing with nature which isnt right you should let things play out the way there supposed to.
-Keelin C,1
no i woudlnt change him i want him to have brown eyes and black hair like me.
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