If you didn't know their history, if you spent a day with Eugene and Jerome(Vincent), who would you think was genetically "superior"? Give reasons for your response.
I would think that Jerome/Vincent is genetically superior because he is not in a wheel chair. Since genetically engineered people are "perfect", Jerome fits the bill better, just because he looks like the more fit, healthier person. Even though Jude law is hotter :)
i think that i would think Eugene was genetically superior. I think that i would notice how much physical things that each one could do. i would notice that Vincent wasnt as capable to do things that Eugene could do.
I would think that jerome is superior because he is not in a wheel chair, and appears to have no health problems. when these people are genetically engineered they are supposed to fit a profile and becasue eugene is crippled he does not fit this profile, how ever, jerome does.
I think that Eugene is more genetically superior but since hes paralyzed not so much anymore. I think Jerome is less superior but he has the desire to go to space so i think he should go to space over Eugene. If you could combine Eugen's body (not palatalized) and Jerrome's Desire to go to space and not his heart problems. - Mac Nisbet
i would think jerome is genetically superior because he appears to be healthy and capable, on the other hand eugene is in a wheel chair which would probably make people look past his other possible abilitys. jerome fits the profile of the perfect human, but since eugene is crippled he does not.
I would think that Jerome(Vincent) is genetically superior because Eugene is in a wheel chair and Jerome isnt. That would make it seem like Eugene wasnt genetically superior because he is crippled while Jerome looks healthy(even though he isnt). ~Rachel C. Period 1
It would depend on when I met them, like if I met them before Eugene got paralyzed, I would have no idea until I did a DNA test. If I met them at their current state, at first glance I would think that Vincent would be superior because he's not paralyzed. However, then I would wonder why they look so alike. Since Eugene's in a wheelchair, I'd guess that Vincent tried to be Eugene because a guy in a wheelchair probably won't go that far to get him to look like someone else. That would lead me to the conclusion that Eugene is superior, just had a bad accident. If I met the two before Vincent tried to be Eugene, but after Eugene was paralyzed, I would definitely think that Vincent was superior.
I would think that Eugene was genetically superior. I say this because Eugene is genetically 'real' and could be himself more than anyone else, even if Jerome tries his hardest.
I would probably think that Jerome was superior because he tries phenomenally hard to seem like a genetically engineered person. His desire for that makes him look physically and mentally superior, but that's because Eugene is confined to a wheelchair...
Without thinking I would say Jerome (Vincent) simply because of the fact that Eugene is in a wheelchair and is parayzed but if I took a moment to think I may reconsider my answer because Eugene couldn't have been born paralyzed with immobile legs and therfore I wouldn't have anything to prove that either was superior. So if I wasn't thinking I would say Eugene
The guy in the wheelchair is easily genetically superior because Vincent has heart problems and stuff and why would Vincent want to be more like Eugene if Vincent was genetically superior? -Paul O'Neill
I would think that Eugene's more genetically superior because you could just tell that Eugene is able to do more physical things than Vincent, but Vincent just trys very hard to do things that he couldn't do.
Not knowing the history of Eugene's accident, I would assume that he had been born with a genetic deficiency that led to leg paralyzation. Since Jerome/Vincent has full mobility to move around and perform daily activities, I would say that he is physically genetically superior. If we are talking about the genetics that lead to intelligence I would say they are the same because they both have extremely intelligent minds. -Hannah Stulberg Period 5
It would depend on what Eugene and Jerome were doing. If I saw Eugene climb up the stairs with just his upper body strength, then I would definitely think Eugene was genetically superior. If I knew Jerome had bad vision and a bad heart, I would think Eugene was superior. However, at first sight it would seem that Jerome was more genetically superior, because he wears contacts and can walk. -Andrea Y. Period 2
I would think that Vincent is superior. I would because he's not in a wheelchair and since that guy fixed him to be taller and everything he looks more genetically superior. Vincent also looks more muscular than Eugene.
I would have to believe that Eugene is genetically superior, since he never altered or changed his genetics in any way, when Vincent changed his genetics all together. Vincent is also near-sighted and has heart trouble.
i think they are about equal. eugene has better genes but since he is in a wheelchair he cant really do much. while jerome doesnt have superior genes he has legs that work
Genetically, I'd have to say that Eugene is superior. He was, after all, engineered so that he could run long distances without breaking a sweat and probably has relatively low risks for all sorts of diseases. Vincent, on the other hand, got all the bad genes from his parents and has a heart condition. While Eugene is going to "live forever", Vincent's life expectancy is 30.2 years. Being genetically superior doesn't say much overall, though, seeing as Vincent is able to get even further than Eugene ever did. So, genetically, Eugene is considered superior but hardworking wise, well, not so much. -Jocelyn Wang Pd 5
I would think Jerome was genetically "superior" because he wasn't in a wheelchair. If I saw someone in a wheel chair at the time I would think it would have something to do with their genes.
i think jerome because he is not in a wheel chair also he is kind of a drinker also gennetically enginered people are supposed to be the best and hes in a whell chair
I would think that Vincent was genetically superior mainly because he isn't in a wheel chair like Eugene. Since a persons first impression of you is how you look, at first glance Vincent looks more athletic. Also, he has a better job, and seems to be smarter than Eugene.
I would think that Vincent was genetically superior because he would appear to much more stonger and not crippled like Jerome. Jerome also has defaults like it seems as if he has an alsohalism problem, whereas Vincent does'nt. Also, Vincent would seem just so more precise and more mature than Jerome. Except I agree with Stapley haha.
If Vincent and Jerome were to stand side by side, i wouldve thought that vincent were the geneticly superior child because he is not crippled. If Jerome weren't in a wheel chair, and Vincent weren't Jeromre, Jerome wouldve been though of as geneticly superior because he doesn't have glasses.
I would think Jerome(Vincent) is genetically superior because Eugene obviously has problems because of the wheel chair and Jerome can do lots of physical activity, but Eugene can't.
I would think that Vincent/Jerome is the genetically "superior" one out of the pair because unlike Eugene, he is not confined to a wheelchair. Vincent/Jerome also seems overall healthier and has traits that parents would probably want for their children like how smart he is.
I would think that Vincent was genetically "superior" than Eugene because Eugene does not look like his 'valid' picture and because Vincent looks healthier and because Eugene is in a wheelchair.
I would think that Jerome (Vincent)was genetically superior. He is really organized and successful, unlike Eugene, who doesn't really have anything planned for his life. Eugene drinks a lot while Jerome seems perfect. Jackie L. Period 6
I would automatically think that Eugene was genetically superior because Eugene is in a wheelchair of course.I would also think so because Jerome has the successful career.
I would think that Eugene is 'superior' because he's disabled and not a fully functional member of society. Jerome(Vincent) is successful and has a great job and a seemingly great life, which makes him seem geneticaly superior to Eugene. Zoe Thuesmunnn per. 2
I would think that Vincent was genetically superior. First of all, because he just looks like a more modeled and well designed person based on the way he dresses, the lighting, his hair, his height, and his time spent being worked over by the movie's makeup artist. Also, paralysis can sometimes be hereditary if you were born paralysed, I think that its possible to think Eugene was suffereing from a genetic deformity. Even if you knew that Eugene was paralysed from a car accident, its possible to assume that the reason he was hit was because of bad reflexes or nearsightedness (or even lesser mental abilities). When you see Eugene, he's usually drinking or Vincent is nagging him about drinking too much. In the begginging the doctor said that alcoholism was part hereditary, the fact the Eugene is constantly intoxicated might be an example of his genetic inferiority.
If I spent a day with Eugene and Jerome I would think that Jerome was the genetically superior one. Despite his heart condition, Jerome doesn't seem different from the other genetically superior people in their society. I might not think Eugene was genetically superior because of his disabilities. The people who have their traits choosen, seem to be invincible and perfect.
If I spent a day with Eugene and Jerome, I would think that Jerome was genetically "superior" because he is not in a wheel chair. Jerome would look superior to Eugene because Eugene has a disability and genetically modified people shouldn't have any disadvantages.
Without knowing that jerome is trying to be eugene and have superior genes i wouldn't know that he is superior because everybody looks equal and is created equal so no one person will ever be superior and neither one looks more superior than the other
If I didn`t know Eugene and Vincent`s history then I would think that Vincent was genetically superior. Vincent seemed pretty normal on the outside even though his heart rate was not steady so I would think he was genetically superior. Eugene had a more stronger body but since he was in a wheel chair I would think he had to sit in a wheel chair because he has a genetic disease.
I would think Jerome (Vincent) is genetically "superior" because he looks like he can do anything, he is fit and he is not in a wheel chair, and i wouldnt even think that someone in a wheelchair would be so superior genetically but after learning about their history Eugene is way more superior. ~Harriet Slater Period 1
I would coniseder Jerome/Vincent genetically superior, just by looks and actions. Eugene is crippled. He is not able to do many things Jerome can do. This does not make him lower than Jerome, but would make Jerome more "perfect" in my eyes.
If I didn't know there history and I just met them I would think that Vincent is the superior one and Eugene is not because Vincent looks like he is in better condition and fitter than Eugene who kinda looks like hes dying from a disease or something, and is also in a wheelchair.
I would think that Jerome/Vincent is genetically superior, because he has no visible flaws in his DNA and functions just like all the other genetically perfect people. Eugene is crippled and in a wheelchair, so I would think that he was probably born more likely to get a disease or get hurt, which would make him not as superior as Jerome/Vincent.
I think that if I met the two of them and didn't know their history, I would probably judge Vincent genetically superior. If I didn't know anything about them, I would probably assume that Eugene has some sort of leg condition that prevents him from using his legs, like a normal paralysis of some kind.
Considering the fact that the genetically designed people, are supposed to be "perfect" I would think Jerome/Vincent was "genetically" superior because Eugene's parents would have the ability to decide if he was in a wheel chair or not
I would be unable to tell which person was genetically superior since Eugene is in a wheelchair so I wouldn't be able to determine his full potential. It would also be hard to judge them based on their actions since they don't have any noticable genetic differences. The only reason that I would be able to say that Eugene is genetically superior is because Vincent would have to wear glasses or else have problems with his vision.
Obviously I would believe that eugene would be genetically superior. People with superior genes would not be in a wheel chair or crippled, also Vincent would seem to be enhanced because of him being smarter working at gattica.
I would think that Jerome/Vincent would be genetically superior because he looks much more stronger and did not look like he has any physical injuries that would affect his health.
i think that i might think that jerome wasgeneticly superior becase he trys very hard to live up to that standard. also eugene is is crippled so he lookes weak and jerome lookes strong like a boss
i'd think that jerome(vincent) would be genetically superior. This is because i would not know the origin of eugene's leg problems, and thought it could be a problem in his head that he could have been born with that possibly could have been prevented by changing his genetic code.
If I didn’t know Eugene’s and Jerome’s (Vincent) history, and I spent a day with them, I would think that Jerome/Vincent was genetically “superior”. I would assume that because Eugene is in a wheelchair, which means that he’s not “perfect”, making it look like Eugene was less likely to look like the one with the genetic alters. Because I didn’t know their history, I wouldn’t know that Eugene had thrown himself in front of a car and gotten paralyzed, so he would just look crippled, therefore, NOT genetically altered. -Natalie Wagner
I would think that Eugene is the genetically superior one. In there day everyone who is not a "god child" is pretty much a cocky jerk. And vincent isnt really like that. -Kyle F Period 2
I would think that vincent would be the genetically superior because he just looks more healthy and jerome has a fiery temper so i would think the the more genetically superior would be the one with the fairer attitude.
I would think that vincent was genetically superior because one he is not in a wheelchair and two eugene has a very fiery temper and I would think that a perfect person would be even-tempered.
I would probably think Jerome, because I doubt that anyone would work out and show the genetic superiority. I have no way of telling that Jerome is not "perfect", and some cripple obviously isn't perfect. Jerome looks similar to Eugene, and since he wears contacts, there's no easy way to tell that he's an invalid. With Eugene, he's in a wheelchair, you don't get put in a wheelchair for just any injury, so he's obviously not perfect.
The "spend a day" part is pretty open, does it mean I look through their stuff, observe them? It could, but I'd imagine they wouldn't want to show their weaknesses, leading me to believe that Jerome is superior. I mean, am I there for the purpose of finding out, or just a normal day? It wouldn't take a whole lot of investigating to figure out Eugene is actually superior, there are blood samples in the refrigerator, and it would be pretty easy then to know that something's wrong. If not observing all day, they did a good job to make Jerome look superior, and that's how I'd think.
I think I would probablt think Vincent was genetically superior. When I see Eugene, I think of someone who has always been crippled and stuck in a wheel chair. It seems like he would be thinnner and less muscled than Vincent (because he's stuck in a wheelchair), and Vincent can walk around and live his life without being a burden to anyone. That seems to make him superior to me, if I just saw them walking down the street. -Kara A. Period 3
I would think that Jerome (Vincent) is genetically superior. I think this because Eugene uses a wheelchair because he is a cripple, which could be caused by a birth defect. At the same time, Jerome (Vincent) looks completely fine, if not better.
I would think that Jerome(Vincent) is genetically superiour because while Eugene is in a wheel chair, Jerome fits the "perfectness" more then him. Paige M 3rd period
I would think that Jerome/Vincent is genetically superior because he trys to live up to the standard and Jerome is in a wheelchair and seems like hes been there his whole life. Robert Parker
I would think that jerome is superior because he is not in a wheel chair, and appears to have no health problems. when these people are genetically engineered they are supposed to fit a profile and becasue eugene is crippled he does not fit this profile, how ever, jerome does.
If I didnt know Eugene or Jerome, I would think that Jerome/Vincent was the genetically formed child because he looks healthy isnt in a wheel chair and doesnt seem like anything is wrong with him.
I would probably think that Eugene is superior because he is a silver medal olympian and has a lot of intresting storys of what happened to him (legs being disabled).
Eugene, because he was designed to be genetically superior to babies born naturally. He has a better heart, better muscles, and better body systems. He is more healthy than Vincent, but that doesn't mean he is superior in all ways.
I would think JErome was geneitically superior because he got by the GATACA system of blood tests and a=has more knowledge and smarts. and moveablity AUSTIN
I would think that Jerome(Vincent) was genetically superior because Eugene is crippled and if you didnt know the reason why he was crippled you would think that Jerome(Vincent) was genetically superior.
if i didn't know the real story, i would automatically think that jerome was gennetically superior of course because he is not in a wheele chair, an that makes him "superior".
I would say that Jerome(Vincent) would seem to be superior because he is good looking and has a wonderful job. On the other hand, Eugene seems to be the one who isn't superior because he doesn't have a job out of his home. He is in a wheel chair in the movie and if he was superior then he wouldn't be in a wheel chair i believe. Jade K. Per.6
I would also think Jerome is genetically superior because not only did he modify his aperience to look superior, he also got into Gataca which only acepts the best.
Cameron Carbone says, i would believe that Vincent is genetically superior because even though he wasnt genetically enhanced he has beten the odds and become almost like the perfect ones.
I would think that Vincent was more gnentically superior because he would seeem more mature and he's not in a wheelchair, so more physically superior also.
If I didn't know their histories, I probably would've thought that Jerome was the most genetically superior. If I got to know them more, I probably would've suspected that maybe Eugene was the genetically superior. For example, Eugene strives and only accepts gold medals. He is so disappointed in the silver medal and tried to kill himself.
From a first impression, i would fine Jerome/Vincent to be the genetically superior one. I would intially think this because Eugiene is in a wheel chair impling he may have been born as a God child and had a spinal issue cause of it. And Vincent has a better carrer and overall apperance.
I would think that Eugene would be genetically superior because although he is confined to a wheelchair, his genes are enough to help get Vincent into Gattaca when his (Vincent's) genes won't do him any good. Eugene, although he was second best at everything that he did, still had it in him to have a high social status. As Vincent masquerades as him, he sees that Eugene is a well respected member of the community.
I would think that Vincent was superior because Jerom is stuck in a wheel chair and need help to do daily taskes and vincent is living his dream as an astronaut and is physicaly fit.
Braden Warnock If i spent a day with vincent and eugene i would probably think of eugene as more superior because he has a higher self esteem than vincent.
I believe Eugene is superior in the way of human enhancement however Vince has more will power and is always pushing himself trying to prove that "God" babies have a spot in the world.
I believe the eugene is still superior to Vincent even though Eugene is in a wheelchair. Vincent cannot exercise as long as Eugene can. Also Eugene seems more intelligent than Vincent.
I would think that Jerome/Vincent is genetically superior because he is not in a wheel chair. Since genetically engineered people are "perfect", Jerome fits the bill better, just because he looks like the more fit, healthier person. Even though Jude law is hotter :)
~Megan Stapley
Per 1
i think that i would think Eugene was genetically superior. I think that i would notice how much physical things that each one could do. i would notice that Vincent wasnt as capable to do things that Eugene could do.
Holly Boothroyd
period 2
I would think that they were equal because they look and act the same. I wouldn't be able to tell if one if more fit or if one is smarter.
I think Jerome would be the genetically superior one because he has more ambition and his physical condition is better.
Amber Ma
I would think that jerome is superior because he is not in a wheel chair, and appears to have no health problems. when these people are genetically engineered they are supposed to fit a profile and becasue eugene is crippled he does not fit this profile, how ever, jerome does.
I think that Eugene is more genetically superior but since hes paralyzed not so much anymore. I think Jerome is less superior but he has the desire to go to space so i think he should go to space over Eugene. If you could combine Eugen's body (not palatalized) and Jerrome's Desire to go to space and not his heart problems. - Mac Nisbet
Ummm...I think I would choose Vincent because he is walking and can do things the way people think are "normal" then, and Eugene is disabled.
Derek Chapman, period tres
i would think jerome is genetically superior because he appears to be healthy and capable, on the other hand eugene is in a wheel chair which would probably make people look past his other possible abilitys. jerome fits the profile of the perfect human, but since eugene is crippled he does not.
I would think that Jerome(Vincent) is genetically superior because Eugene is in a wheel chair and Jerome isnt. That would make it seem like Eugene wasnt genetically superior because he is crippled while Jerome looks healthy(even though he isnt).
~Rachel C.
Period 1
It would depend on when I met them, like if I met them before Eugene got paralyzed, I would have no idea until I did a DNA test. If I met them at their current state, at first glance I would think that Vincent would be superior because he's not paralyzed. However, then I would wonder why they look so alike. Since Eugene's in a wheelchair, I'd guess that Vincent tried to be Eugene because a guy in a wheelchair probably won't go that far to get him to look like someone else. That would lead me to the conclusion that Eugene is superior, just had a bad accident. If I met the two before Vincent tried to be Eugene, but after Eugene was paralyzed, I would definitely think that Vincent was superior.
I would think that Eugene was genetically superior. I say this because Eugene is genetically 'real' and could be himself more than anyone else, even if Jerome tries his hardest.
Sam Mix period 2 Anderson
I would probably think that Jerome was superior because he tries phenomenally hard to seem like a genetically engineered person. His desire for that makes him look physically and mentally superior, but that's because Eugene is confined to a wheelchair...
Kevin Pu Per 3
Without thinking I would say Jerome (Vincent) simply because of the fact that Eugene is in a wheelchair and is parayzed but if I took a moment to think I may reconsider my answer because Eugene couldn't have been born paralyzed with immobile legs and therfore I wouldn't have anything to prove that either was superior. So if I wasn't thinking I would say Eugene
The guy in the wheelchair is easily genetically superior because Vincent has heart problems and stuff and why would Vincent want to be more like Eugene if Vincent was genetically superior?
-Paul O'Neill
I think that Eugene was the genetic superior because he was always very calm and in control,he seems to be very inteligent, and he is british.....
I would think that Eugene's more genetically superior because you could just tell that Eugene is able to do more physical things than Vincent, but Vincent just trys very hard to do things that he couldn't do.
Xiao X.
Period 3
Not knowing the history of Eugene's accident, I would assume that he had been born with a genetic deficiency that led to leg paralyzation. Since Jerome/Vincent has full mobility to move around and perform daily activities, I would say that he is physically genetically superior. If we are talking about the genetics that lead to intelligence I would say they are the same because they both have extremely intelligent minds.
-Hannah Stulberg
Period 5
It would depend on what Eugene and Jerome were doing. If I saw Eugene climb up the stairs with just his upper body strength, then I would definitely think Eugene was genetically superior. If I knew Jerome had bad vision and a bad heart, I would think Eugene was superior. However, at first sight it would seem that Jerome was more genetically superior, because he wears contacts and can walk.
-Andrea Y.
Period 2
I would think that Vincent is superior. I would because he's not in a wheelchair and since that guy fixed him to be taller and everything he looks more genetically superior. Vincent also looks more muscular than Eugene.
Christy K
Period 5
I would think that Vincent was superior because he has working legs and nothing wrong with him that you can see
Sam Freeman
Period 2
I would have to believe that Eugene is genetically superior, since he never altered or changed his genetics in any way, when Vincent changed his genetics all together. Vincent is also near-sighted and has heart trouble.
Adelin L.
Period 2
i think they are about equal. eugene has better genes but since he is in a wheelchair he cant really do much. while jerome doesnt have superior genes he has legs that work
I would think that Vincent is superior because he now that Eugene is in wheelchair he looks inferior.
Genetically, I'd have to say that Eugene is superior. He was, after all, engineered so that he could run long distances without breaking a sweat and probably has relatively low risks for all sorts of diseases. Vincent, on the other hand, got all the bad genes from his parents and has a heart condition. While Eugene is going to "live forever", Vincent's life expectancy is 30.2 years. Being genetically superior doesn't say much overall, though, seeing as Vincent is able to get even further than Eugene ever did. So, genetically, Eugene is considered superior but hardworking wise, well, not so much.
-Jocelyn Wang
Pd 5
I would think Jerome was genetically "superior" because he wasn't in a wheelchair. If I saw someone in a wheel chair at the time I would think it would have something to do with their genes.
-Megan O'Brian Per. 2
i think jerome because he is not in a wheel chair also he is kind of a drinker also gennetically enginered people are supposed to be the best and hes in a whell chair
Stevo Mather
Per 1
I would think that Vincent was genetically superior mainly because he isn't in a wheel chair like Eugene. Since a persons first impression of you is how you look, at first glance Vincent looks more athletic. Also, he has a better job, and seems to be smarter than Eugene.
Monica H.
Period 2.
I would think that Vincent was genetically superior because he would appear to much more stonger and not crippled like Jerome. Jerome also has defaults like it seems as if he has an alsohalism problem, whereas Vincent does'nt. Also, Vincent would seem just so more precise and more mature than Jerome. Except I agree with Stapley haha.
If Vincent and Jerome were to stand side by side, i wouldve thought that vincent were the geneticly superior child because he is not crippled. If Jerome weren't in a wheel chair, and Vincent weren't Jeromre, Jerome wouldve been though of as geneticly superior because he doesn't have glasses.
I would think Jerome(Vincent) is genetically superior because Eugene obviously has problems because of the wheel chair and Jerome can do lots of physical activity, but Eugene can't.
Ryan Kahng
Period 2
I would think that Vincent/Jerome is the genetically "superior" one out of the pair because unlike Eugene, he is not confined to a wheelchair. Vincent/Jerome also seems overall healthier and has traits that parents would probably want for their children like how smart he is.
I would think that Vincent was genetically "superior" than Eugene because Eugene does not look like his 'valid' picture and because Vincent looks healthier and because Eugene is in a wheelchair.
I would think that Jerome (Vincent)was genetically superior. He is really organized and successful, unlike Eugene, who doesn't really have anything planned for his life. Eugene drinks a lot while Jerome seems perfect.
Jackie L.
Period 6
I would automatically think that Eugene was genetically superior because Eugene is in a wheelchair of course.I would also think so because Jerome has the successful career.
-Caroline H.
Period 2
I would think that Eugene is 'superior' because he's disabled and not a fully functional member of society. Jerome(Vincent) is successful and has a great job and a seemingly great life, which makes him seem geneticaly superior to Eugene.
Zoe Thuesmunnn
per. 2
I would think that Vincent was genetically superior. First of all, because he just looks like a more modeled and well designed person based on the way he dresses, the lighting, his hair, his height, and his time spent being worked over by the movie's makeup artist. Also, paralysis can sometimes be hereditary if you were born paralysed, I think that its possible to think Eugene was suffereing from a genetic deformity. Even if you knew that Eugene was paralysed from a car accident, its possible to assume that the reason he was hit was because of bad reflexes or nearsightedness (or even lesser mental abilities). When you see Eugene, he's usually drinking or Vincent is nagging him about drinking too much. In the begginging the doctor said that alcoholism was part hereditary, the fact the Eugene is constantly intoxicated might be an example of his genetic inferiority.
Hilary T. period 2
If I spent a day with Eugene and Jerome I would think that Jerome was the genetically superior one. Despite his heart condition, Jerome doesn't seem different from the other genetically superior people in their society. I might not think Eugene was genetically superior because of his disabilities. The people who have their traits choosen, seem to be invincible and perfect.
If I spent a day with Eugene and Jerome, I would think that Jerome was genetically "superior" because he is not in a wheel chair. Jerome would look superior to Eugene because Eugene has a disability and genetically modified people shouldn't have any disadvantages.
~Allie M.
Period 3
Without knowing that jerome is trying to be eugene and have superior genes i wouldn't know that he is superior because everybody looks equal and is created equal so no one person will ever be superior and neither one looks more superior than the other
I would think that Jerome was genetically superior because he's not in a wheelchair and looks healthy.
Matt p 2
If I didn`t know Eugene and Vincent`s history then I would think that Vincent was genetically superior. Vincent seemed pretty normal on the outside even though his heart rate was not steady so I would think he was genetically superior. Eugene had a more stronger body but since he was in a wheel chair I would think he had to sit in a wheel chair because he has a genetic disease.
Period 6 E.L.
I would think Jerome (Vincent) is genetically "superior" because he looks like he can do anything, he is fit and he is not in a wheel chair, and i wouldnt even think that someone in a wheelchair would be so superior genetically but after learning about their history Eugene is way more superior.
~Harriet Slater
Period 1
I would coniseder Jerome/Vincent genetically superior, just by looks and actions. Eugene is crippled. He is not able to do many things Jerome can do. This does not make him lower than Jerome, but would make Jerome more "perfect" in my eyes.
If I didn't know there history and I just met them I would think that Vincent is the superior one and Eugene is not because Vincent looks like he is in better condition and fitter than Eugene who kinda looks like hes dying from a disease or something, and is also in a wheelchair.
I would think that Jerome/Vincent is genetically superior, because he has no visible flaws in his DNA and functions just like all the other genetically perfect people. Eugene is crippled and in a wheelchair, so I would think that he was probably born more likely to get a disease or get hurt, which would make him not as superior as Jerome/Vincent.
Emily Anne Owen
Period 5
I think that if I met the two of them and didn't know their history, I would probably judge Vincent genetically superior. If I didn't know anything about them, I would probably assume that Eugene has some sort of leg condition that prevents him from using his legs, like a normal paralysis of some kind.
Erich W. Period 3
Considering the fact that the genetically designed people, are supposed to be "perfect" I would think Jerome/Vincent was "genetically" superior because Eugene's parents would have the ability to decide if he was in a wheel chair or not
I would be unable to tell which person was genetically superior since Eugene is in a wheelchair so I wouldn't be able to determine his full potential. It would also be hard to judge them based on their actions since they don't have any noticable genetic differences. The only reason that I would be able to say that Eugene is genetically superior is because Vincent would have to wear glasses or else have problems with his vision.
Kody N.
Period 2
Obviously I would believe that eugene would be genetically superior. People with superior genes would not be in a wheel chair or crippled, also Vincent would seem to be enhanced because of him being smarter working at gattica.
Jeff Shipley
Period 1
I would think that Jerome/Vincent would be genetically superior because he looks much more stronger and did not look like he has any physical injuries that would affect his health.
Michelle Pfeifer
Per. 2
That you cant tell a difference but the feet.
i think that i might think that jerome wasgeneticly superior becase he trys very hard to live up to that standard. also eugene is is crippled so he lookes weak and jerome lookes strong like a boss
i'd think that jerome(vincent) would be genetically superior. This is because i would not know the origin of eugene's leg problems, and thought it could be a problem in his head that he could have been born with that possibly could have been prevented by changing his genetic code.
If I didn’t know Eugene’s and Jerome’s (Vincent) history, and I spent a day with them, I would think that Jerome/Vincent was genetically “superior”. I would assume that because Eugene is in a wheelchair, which means that he’s not “perfect”, making it look like Eugene was less likely to look like the one with the genetic alters. Because I didn’t know their history, I wouldn’t know that Eugene had thrown himself in front of a car and gotten paralyzed, so he would just look crippled, therefore, NOT genetically altered.
-Natalie Wagner
I would think that Eugene is the genetically superior one. In there day everyone who is not a "god child" is pretty much a cocky jerk. And vincent isnt really like that.
-Kyle F
Period 2
I would think that vincent would be the genetically superior because he just looks more healthy and jerome has a fiery temper so i would think the the more genetically superior would be the one with the fairer attitude.
Spencer Olmos
I would think that vincent was genetically superior because one he is not in a wheelchair and two eugene has a very fiery temper and I would think that a perfect person would be even-tempered.
spencer olmos
I would probably think Jerome, because I doubt that anyone would work out and show the genetic superiority. I have no way of telling that Jerome is not "perfect", and some cripple obviously isn't perfect. Jerome looks similar to Eugene, and since he wears contacts, there's no easy way to tell that he's an invalid. With Eugene, he's in a wheelchair, you don't get put in a wheelchair for just any injury, so he's obviously not perfect.
The "spend a day" part is pretty open, does it mean I look through their stuff, observe them? It could, but I'd imagine they wouldn't want to show their weaknesses, leading me to believe that Jerome is superior. I mean, am I there for the purpose of finding out, or just a normal day? It wouldn't take a whole lot of investigating to figure out Eugene is actually superior, there are blood samples in the refrigerator, and it would be pretty easy then to know that something's wrong. If not observing all day, they did a good job to make Jerome look superior, and that's how I'd think.
-Matthew McNeil
Period 1
I think I would probablt think Vincent was genetically superior. When I see Eugene, I think of someone who has always been crippled and stuck in a wheel chair. It seems like he would be thinnner and less muscled than Vincent (because he's stuck in a wheelchair), and Vincent can walk around and live his life without being a burden to anyone. That seems to make him superior to me, if I just saw them walking down the street.
-Kara A.
Period 3
I would think that Jerome (Vincent) is genetically superior. I think this because Eugene uses a wheelchair because he is a cripple, which could be caused by a birth defect. At the same time, Jerome (Vincent) looks completely fine, if not better.
Davis Fox
Period 6
I think Vincent would be because vincent is not in a wheel chair while Eugiene is in one.
Hailee Wilson
I think Vincent because he is all sweaty and looks nervous.
Matt Waxman
period 2
I think that the guy whos going to space becouse he is better than the guy in the wheel chair becouse he's going to space
I would think that Jerome(Vincent) is genetically superiour because while Eugene is in a wheel chair, Jerome fits the "perfectness" more then him.
Paige M
3rd period
I would think that Jerome/Vincent is genetically superior because he trys to live up to the standard and Jerome is in a wheelchair and seems like hes been there his whole life.
Robert Parker
I would think that jerome is superior because he is not in a wheel chair, and appears to have no health problems. when these people are genetically engineered they are supposed to fit a profile and becasue eugene is crippled he does not fit this profile, how ever, jerome does.
I would think Jerome is more gentically superior, because he is not going to die at 30, and his heart won't fail on him like Vincent.
Joey Hines
If I didnt know Eugene or Jerome, I would think that Jerome/Vincent was the genetically formed child because he looks healthy isnt in a wheel chair and doesnt seem like anything is wrong with him.
I would probably think that Eugene is superior because he is a silver medal olympian and has a lot of intresting storys of what happened to him (legs being disabled).
I would not think that he is "perfect" beacuse he is in a wheel chair. If you were perfect you would thihnk that he wouldnt be in a wheel chair.
Avery Sampson
Per. 5
Eugene, because he was designed to be genetically superior to babies born naturally. He has a better heart, better muscles, and better body systems. He is more healthy than Vincent, but that doesn't mean he is superior in all ways.
I would think JErome was geneitically superior because he got by the GATACA system of blood tests and a=has more knowledge and smarts. and moveablity
I would think that Jerome(Vincent) was genetically superior because Eugene is crippled and if you didnt know the reason why he was crippled you would think that Jerome(Vincent) was genetically superior.
Keegan C. period 6
if i didn't know the real story, i would automatically think that jerome was gennetically superior of course because he is not in a wheele chair, an that makes him "superior".
Keyana Aghamirzadeh
period 5
I would think that Jerome was genitically superior because he could walk and he seemed healthier than Eugene becaus eEugene was in a wheelchair.
I would say that Jerome(Vincent) would seem to be superior because he is good looking and has a wonderful job. On the other hand, Eugene seems to be the one who isn't superior because he doesn't have a job out of his home. He is in a wheel chair in the movie and if he was superior then he wouldn't be in a wheel chair i believe.
Jade K. Per.6
I would also think Jerome is genetically superior because not only did he modify his aperience to look superior, he also got into Gataca which only acepts the best.
Cameron Carbone says,
i would believe that Vincent is genetically superior because even though he wasnt genetically enhanced he has beten the odds and become almost like the perfect ones.
I would think that eugene was genetically superior because of the way he acts as though he is better than everyone else.
David C. Period 5
I would think that Vincent was more gnentically superior because he would seeem more mature and he's not in a wheelchair, so more physically superior also.
-Karah Weber
I think that jerome looks more genetically supperior because he can walk and is not in a wheel chair like eugene. And he looks superior.
- P dog Mill or Peter Miller
If I didn't know their histories, I probably would've thought that Jerome was the most genetically superior. If I got to know them more, I probably would've suspected that maybe Eugene was the genetically superior. For example, Eugene strives and only accepts gold medals. He is so disappointed in the silver medal and tried to kill himself.
by lisa oh :)
From a first impression, i would fine Jerome/Vincent to be the genetically superior one. I would intially think this because Eugiene is in a wheel chair impling he may have been born as a God child and had a spinal issue cause of it. And Vincent has a better carrer and overall apperance.
Kailee P.
Period 6
I would think that Vincent is genetically superior because he appears healthy and he is not in a wheelchair like Eugene.
Lauren Plog
I would think that Eugene would be genetically superior because although he is confined to a wheelchair, his genes are enough to help get Vincent into Gattaca when his (Vincent's) genes won't do him any good. Eugene, although he was second best at everything that he did, still had it in him to have a high social status. As Vincent masquerades as him, he sees that Eugene is a well respected member of the community.
-Brian Callans
Period 1
i think that Jerome/Vincent would seem most genetically superior because he is physically more capable than Eugene.
-Keelin C,1
I would think that Vincent was superior because Jerom is stuck in a wheel chair and need help to do daily taskes and vincent is living his dream as an astronaut and is physicaly fit.
Sasha Alden
i wouldn't know or care who was geneticly superior to the other. geenetics are within your body and jerome is a cripple.
Braden Warnock
If i spent a day with vincent and eugene i would probably think of eugene as more superior because he has a higher self esteem than vincent.
I believe Eugene is superior in the way of human enhancement however Vince has more will power and is always pushing himself trying to prove that "God" babies have a spot in the world.
-Reid Malmquist
I believe the eugene is still superior to Vincent even though Eugene is in a wheelchair. Vincent cannot exercise as long as Eugene can. Also Eugene seems more intelligent than Vincent.
Bryan Lee per 3
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